Events 2024
Transition Times:
Re-Membering Anticarceral Resistance in the Tenderloin
Curated by Chandra Laborde and Stathis G. Yeros
February-April 2024
Tenderloin Museum
398 Eddy Street
(@ Leavenworth)
San Francisco, CA 94102
Free* | Everyone welcome
Transition Times: Re-Membering Anticarceral Resistance in the Tenderloin is an exhibition held at the Tenderloin Museum in San Francisco from January 18 to April 26, 2024.
Events 2023
Compton’s Cafeteria Riot Celebration 2023
Saturday, August 26th
7:00-9:00 pm
At Aunt Charlie's | 133 Turk St. SF, CA 94102
Free* | Reply to RSVP
Everyone welcome
Join us to commemorate the Compton's Cafeteria Riot of 1966, a landmark event where the queer and trans community rose against police brutality, years before the Stonewall Riot. As we gather at Aunt Charlie’s — the last queer bar in the Tenderloin — we'll celebrate this legendary event, keeping in mind the historic site is currently operated as a halfway house by a private prison corporation.
Weather permitting, projection activist Alan Marling will shine messages on the Turk and Taylor building.
Let’s come together to envision ways to liberate the building and reimagine a more just future for the historic site.
*Feel free to stay for The Hot Boxxx Girls drag show at 10 pm ($5 cover)
Hosted by the Tenderloin Museum and the TurkxTaylor Initiative.
Thursday, March 23, 2023 @ 5:30-8:30 pm
Public Forum:
(Re)Imagining Trans Anti-Carceral Resistance in the Tenderloin
Location: Bauer Wurster Hall, Gallery Rm 121, College of Environmental Design, UCB
In-person attendance with a hybrid audience